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Welcome to our fun and friendly community of dedicated and passionate tai chi players led by Simon and Cher Robins. 


Our primary focus is ensuring that students of all ages are able to study tai chi to the level they choose. Whether that is just for fun and recreation once a week, as a way to improve health and wellbeing or as a powerful transformational, we are here to help you follow your path and enjoy the journey.


Taiji Sabre at the 2017 British Open
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Chief Instructor

Tudi with Master Sam Masich since 2021

Senior Instructor with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain

Fully insured

When I first started Tai Chi almost 30 years ago (thank goodness it keeps people looking young) it was because my body was in poor shape. I had been on crutches several times with foot and ankle injuries, ripped my back muscles and had internal bleeding; sawn off the tip of one of my fingers (although I like to tell small children it was a shark!); been run over by a transit van as it span off the road; injured a shoulder (it’s still a bit clicky) and had a few whiplash injuries from car accidents; impaled my foot on a spike (twice); come off my bicycle in a variety of painful and amusing ways... and the list goes on. In short, I’ve had more injuries than a squirrel has nuts!


I had loved my Judo (started way back in 1974), was passionate about Aikido and enjoyed Ju Jitsu – but my body was too broken to continue with those arts. Initially, I only saw Tai Chi as a way to get my body fit and healthy so that I could get back to training again. However, as I continued there were other changes...


My mind became calm and still. As you may be able to work out from the list of injuries above I had been the kind of person who trained hard, played hard, generally lived life in a “hard” way. My emotions became more stable. The promise of Tai Chi became real to me through a series of profound experiences. I realised this was a journey in wisdom.



Chief Instructor

Tudi with Master Sam Masich since 2018

Advanced Instructor with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain

Fully insured

Full DBS

In June 2018, my generous and highly skilled teacher, Master Sam Masich, accepted my application to become his tudi or indoor student. This position is a great honour and responsibility.  


So, how did I get here? As a kid sitting still was the hardest thing anyone could ask me to do. Hockey, netball, gymnastics and judo were the loves of my young life. I grew up surrounded by boys, so martial arts was a natural progression from the rugby and wrestling that I had grown up with. Unfortunately, a bout of ME/CFS laid me low for 16 years, but as soon as recovery was in sight I began studying yoga and qigong and finally, I started tai chi in 2003.


In my own study I am passionate about pushing hands and weapons. However, the aspect of tai chi which keeps me intrigued and curious enough to find time every day to practise and ponder is the internal qualities or energies of the body that allow the movements to become fluid and effortless over time (neijia). 


As a secondary school teacher, my love of teaching naturally led me to teach tai chi. I enjoy watching my students gain confidence in their body, develop strong and supple movement and become passionate about this wonderful art we share. 


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